Commercialisations of the Shrine’s image are controlled under law.

Under the Shrine of Remembrance Act:

Any person who except with the authority in writing of the trustees manufactures, prints, publishes, displays or sells or authorizes the manufacture, printing, publishing, display or sale of any replicas, drawings, photographs, booklets, pamphlets or any other like matter relating to the Shrine of Remembrance shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a penalty not exceeding 2 penalty units.

I thank the Shrine of Remembrance Trustees for granting me permission to make Making the Shrine. I acknowledge that the opinions expressed in the book are the author’s and not necessarily those of the Trustees.

Over the years many manufacturers of souvenir merch broke those rules. Very Bad! But those objects, some of them pretty kitsch, are part of the Shrine’s history too. The book includes drawings documenting some of those productions.


Shrines to the Shrine