From before it was even built, the form of the Shrine has deeply possessed many people’s imaginations. If it grabs you, it really grabs you.

As I researched its history, I found unexpected evidence of this in the shape of a string of individual tributes, Shrines to the Shrine - models of it, made in wildly disparate materials by people working alone, driven, across the decades from the 1920s to the 2010s.

If you’ve seen Close Encounters of the Third Kind, you’ll remember that the film’s hero, Roy Neary, is obsessed with a strange mountainous form and can’t stop making models of it. The makers of Shrine models were like Roy Neary, I thought.

I could relate. Labours of love, tributes, a bit wonky or out of square, but built with passionate care, the hands working from the heart.

I found eight models of Shrines - some still existing, some known only through photographs - and drew them into the book. Some are reproduced here on this page. I hope you enjoy them.


Story development


Depicting the Shrine